Tuesday 3 March 2009

What is Line?

Okay so, the direction for this project has changed after several spectacular failures in the department of working with light. I did a series of paintings using the gooey stuff from inside glowsticks, and I was like, right! And left them up to dry and went off to college. Turns out, as they dry, said gooey, glowing stuff soaks into the paper and disappears entirely, and not even UV light can bring it back again. I was most disappointed. What a wasted night.

So I decided to start working with regular paint, cause I know for a fact that it doesn't disappear overnight. I decided to see what kind of patterns I could make by letting gravity do it's work. I made at least 20 paintings, I'm not sure of the exact number, and they were mostly A1, a couple of A2's thrown in there. So, pretty big, and therefore difficult to photograph in a narrow hallway. Plus, they curled as they dried, but there were the best pictures that I could get of them, so please, don't judge.
The state of my room afterwards though, oh my God. Really should have tried harder with the newspaper behing them. There was paint EVERYWHERE. I washed it off as best I could, cause it was mainly posterpaint and watercolour. Now my walls just look really grubby. Oh well. It's an art student's bedroom, what do you expect?

Oi what a mess.

-HJ x

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