Thursday 5 March 2009

Painting with Glue.

I decided, as a part of my experimentation with seeing what marks I could make without touching the paper, to see what kind of affects I could make whilst painting with glue. It's only simple PVA glue, which I've had for a while, so I just thought, Sod it! Let's see what happens. Essentially, it goes on just like white paint, obviously.

But it's kind of runny, but not as much as paint, so I put the glue on while it was flat on the floor, and then tacked it up on the wall, after putting news paper down of course. It started to run before, which make some really interesting marks on the paper. It looks like of gross, but I really like the effect.
The most interesting thing is how it looks once it's dry.

Another interesting thing about working with glue is that it comes out a lot more...beady than paint? I'm not sure if beady is the word that I'm looking for, but it kind of spreads when it meets other lines and forms junctions of sorts. It looks really nice.

This is what I mean when I say that the glue is most interesting when it's dry. For this image I tacked a sheet of black paper up on the wall and just let the glue drizzle on down it. clearly, as it got thinner at the top it dried quicker and made this wierd, but awesome look. You can see the transition of the glue as it dries and gradually gets tackier as it goes down the paper.

I think that it's definately a worthwhile experiment with some surprising results.

-HJ x

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