Wednesday 12 November 2008

Visual Literacy Week 1

Okay so obviously I'm running a little late on the blog thing. But it's cool because I have a ton of stuff to upload tonight, and then I'll be on top of things again. Hopefully.

Anyway, we've just started this module called Visual Literacy with Amber and Lorenzo, but we haven't been taught by Lorenzo yet, it's still cool. It's all cutting and sticking so far. Fun stuff.

Anyway, a load of words were put into 'The Randomizer', which is essentially a cardboard box, and we had to pick a word at random, and visually represent it in a 15x15 square using coloured paper using squares, lines and letterforms. It was pretty fun, and there were some obscure ones in the box.

From left to right, clockwise: Repetition. Excitement. Line. Mirror.

I had some others but they weren't too great at all. I had one that said boom, but it got a bit destroyed on the way home, so you can't see it.

It was a fun exersize, I enjoyed it, even if I did get the most epic of papercuts from it.

-HJ x

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