Wednesday 12 November 2008

Visual Literacy Week 2

So the second week of visual literacy rolled around, and there was more cutting and sticking. Also, the Randomizer made another appearance, except there were two. :O.

On yellow, we had to write five adjectives, cut them up, fold them up, and stick them in the box, and on blue we had to write five verbs and do the same. Then we picked one of each and had to visually represent it on A2 off-white using the primary colours. The first ones I pulled out were Destructive Fall, and that is represented in the right of the image below of a dude falling down a cliff. I finished it pretty quick and so picked two more out of the box. I got Excited Jump, which was essentially the same, only backwards. So I decided to try be clever and do the same image, but with the guy jumping back up the cliff. They ended up being pretty sweet, but because the figure was in yellow, he was a little difficult to see. The direction of the letters kind of helps though.

And then somebody had to pick an animal, and someone chose Bear. We then all picked an adjective to represent. I ended up with fat, can you tell? He's split his stitches. Loz got drunk, and that was such a good picture, but I couldn't get a photo.

And then we had worms, which was, to be honest, really easy. For this one, we had to pick a verb. I got jump, and this is what I came up with.

These are some of the images that the rest of the class came up with.

This is my favourite, Ed Webb's.

-HJ x

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