Saturday 28 February 2009


During playing around with type for the latest brief, for which I am submitting to the Don't Panic poster competition. I'll have another blog post on this project at some point soon, but at the moment I' just focusing on type.

I never had a chance to work with typography before I came to LCAD, and honestly, I didn't know anything about it.

I was messing around with a Plato quote that I was using for the poster, just to see what kind of typefaces I could produce by playing around with brushes and lines.

The above two images were made using paint brushes in Illustrator. I really like how messy and scrappy they turned out, but they are still completely readable, unlike some of the results that I came out with.

This image below was clearly made using the dotted lines and scissor marks that we see on an image that needs cutting out. Because there were so many lines and corners in the actual type, it went a little crazy, but I think it looks good. It's still readable, thought interesting to look at.
The image below is my favourite. I accidently created it using one of those page divider deals on Illustrator, and it went crazy but I really like how it looks. I'm going to play around a lot more with type in future now that I realise just how I can make type far more interesting.

-HJ x

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