Wednesday 25 February 2009

The Dark Crystal

Now, I don't know how many of you have seen The Dark Crystal, but it's very good. Very strange, but I enjoyed it a lot, and would recommend watching it. It's like, twisted Muppets, and it was done by the same guy. Though I'm not sure whether this or the muppets came first. Anyway.

It's kind of like Labyrinth, which was also done by Jim Henson, but Labyrinth freaked me out a lot as a kid. Also, I get Legend and Labyrinth mixed up quite a lot.

I found this book in my room, because the living room at home is being redecorated, so all of her books, and there are a lot, are being kept in my room. She has some awesome books, and got quite a few art books like this when she was younger, I love rifling through them.

This is the concept art book for The Dark Crystal, illustrated by Brian Froud. There are some truly beautiful illustrations in it. It was printed in 1982, so it's older than I am!

Some of the images are on tracing paper so they form more intricate designs with the images behind them. I think that it's a fantastic idea, really, laying images up like that, and both images look great alone as well as together. This Brian Froud character is a very talented man.

My feet in the last one, hah. Oops. Anyway, if you haven't seen this movie, I suggest you do, or try find the book somewhere to look at. Or just look up Brian Froud's work.

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