Friday 17 October 2008


So I've done loads and I haven't posted in a good while, so I'll try to keep things seperate. Hopefully and in order. In seperate posts.

We had to collect at least ten coloured objects, my colour was orange which, surprisingly, is kind of hard to come by. Managed it though. We took all the items and in, and in our group with all the other folks with orange, we had to arange them, from most orand to most red and most yellow and all that kind of stuff.

We had some kind of strange objects, that was for sure. Including a rubber chicken. And a mouldy orange courtesy of Mitch. Joy.

Anyway, then we had to put them in a line in the floor, and the most yellow fed into the yellow objects and the most red fed into the red objects, with the most orange ones in the middle. All six colours, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, connected together to create a bit circle that went in one door of the classroom and out the other, connecting in the hallway, making one big colour wheel. It was pretty sweet when it was finished.

So, yeah. It worked out pretty good in the end, it looked really nice and turned out pretty interesting. This last one is my favourite image.

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