Thursday 22 January 2009

Visual Studies

Okay! So in the first week back, during Visual Language we looked at Perstective and Tone with Lorenzo. Pretty cool. The first thing we had to do was try and create the perfect cube, as seen below. Mine is a little too tall, I think, it's very pointed towards the edge too, but still, not bad for a first attempt. Pretty good technique too, I'm gonna practice this one.

And then, from there, we had to do our initials, and using the same technique, make them 3D. Now, I only have two initials, so I added an A on the end for a little more practice. I think it turned out pretty good. I want some of these grey markers, they were pretty nifty.

And the week after we did perspective and tone, we were looking at schematics. I might have spelled that wrong. Anyway, I chose to illustrate the story of posting a letter in ocon form, making them as simple as possible. The journey goes as such. Put letter in envelope, write address, lick envelope, stick on stamp, bike to post box, post letter. Job done!

I think it worked well, because it was really easy to read the my classmates got what it was instantly, which was the goal. I wanna work more with this kind of thing as well as refine this one. Maybe do it in Illustrator or something.

I'll post it on here when I do.

-HJ x

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