Thursday 14 May 2009


Speaking of making things out of money, I recently re-stumbled across these Coinstar adverts by PES film on YouTube.They are really good, and I have tons of 5ps, 2ps and 1ps at home I intend to play around with when I get home...later. Long day today.

Await further updates.

-HJ x

Tuesday 12 May 2009

Money Art 2

In the previous post I looked at images made out of money, in this post I am looking at physical objects made out of money.

So this isn't technically a physical object mad out of money, but I found it interesting either way. It's a bus sop advert to advertise security glass. There's quite a lot of money stowed inside it, real money too, just to show how strong the glass is. Really clever. Mean though in the face of those people desperate for money.

This is the first one I've actualy found that's made out of English money. A cute doggy, n'awh. I cannot find the name of who did this anywhere. What is it with people and not naming their sources?

A ovely gun, again I can't find the name of who did it, therefore making me just as bad as everyone else because I haven't put a name down. Damnit.

Money doesn't grow on trees eh? How very ironic.

Now this one I actually have a name for, the only one too. Ray Beldner. It was in response to another designer's work, and I can't remember his name. But yeah, a rug made from dollars.

-HJ x

Sunday 10 May 2009

Money Art

So, for my 'Speaking from Experience' brief, I hav been working on the problem that students do not know how to manage their money.

As a part of my research for this brief, I hae been looking into things made out of money, because it is an avenue that has opened up for this project.

This is what I have found so far.

C.K. Wilde

Mark Wagner. This is a portait of the fine artist Chuck Close made out of dollar bills.
These have really inspired me to ty to make things out of physial money, be in coins or notes. Obviously not real notes. I'm a student, come on.

-HJ x

Thursday 7 May 2009

My Manifesto

Who did I used to be?

I've always been very art orientated, so I was mainly in art classes all through school. I never got to experience any alternatives to fine art such as photography and graphic design until I hit A-level, so I ook all three. In retrospect, that was a bad idea because it was a lot of work, but it definately helped me decide that Graphic Design was the way forward for me. It took my Foundation year to solidify that fact. I didn't really have a 'style' of my own, I like pulling in all different kinds of techniques until I find something that suits the project that I'm working on the best. I don't want to rope myself into a particular catagory.

Who am I now?

I like to think that I am a much beter designer now, though I still have no defiitive 'style' and I don't particularly want one. I've learned so many new things so far this year and I hpe to continue my exploration of techniques on through the next two years. Since starting in September I have become very good at managing my time and realised just how easy Foundation and A-levels were in comparison to this. I would say that I have a far wider skills base now than when I started on the course.

Where to now?

  1. I definately want to develop my illustration skills, I can get much better at it
  2. I want to become the master of screen printing
  3. Get more paid work!